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  • Foto del escritorMarisol Diaz-Parreño Torres

Avocado Lime Tart

INGREDIENTS 1. 300g cream cheese 2. 300 ml of liquid cream 3. 2 avocados 4. 2 limes 5. 200g sugar 6. 3 teaspoons of gelatin powder 7. 250g biscuits 8. 100g of butter PREPARATION 1. Zest the limes, and get the juice from them 2. Crush the cookies, add the melted butter and mix until you get a homogeneous dough. 3. Distribute the cookie dough over the mold andwith the help of a spoon crushit until it coversthe mold and obtain a uniform layer. 4. Hydrate the gelatinin water. We reserve 5. Cut the avocados, remove the bone and extractthe interior. 6. Mix cream cheese and sugar untilcreamy. Add the avocado, lime, and lime zest. Beat until you get a homogeneous cream. 7. Heat the gelatin in the microwave until it dissolves. 8. Add the liquid cream and gelatin to the cheese mixture and mix until integrated.

9. Pour the creamover the biscuitbase and smooth with the help of a spatula. 10. We take it to the freezeror the refrigerator until it is firm to be able to unmold it.

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